Sunday, May 21, 2006

Injury and death don't love me... :D

Camera: Olympus u-Digital600 digital camera

Saturday, 20th of May 2006, about 1.30p.m.

I'm driving my father friend's Proton Iswara and heading to Bukit Tinggi for Buddhist Society thingy.

When we reached Kem Batu Lima Mentakab's corner, a lorry which carrying rocks comes from the opposite road. A small rock piece cast from that lorry and hits on the wind screen and make a loud "pop!"... then I can't see anything bacause the wind screen was cracked. So, i did an emergency brake and stop the car at the road side. luckily, no car in front and behind, if not, surely i'm badly injured or dead at 90km/h's bang. The stupid lorry just drive too fast at the corner and already away from our eyes side after that.

Well, it's good to be alive without any injury. I'll let the pictures explain everything.

Just the wind screen cracked, no injury reported.

Another view of the cracked wind screen


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