Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Internet connection slow..... again

wah.... stupid internet connection! TMnet Streamyx's fault again? Nop, all I can say is "blame the nature" Earth quake that happened at Taiwan on 27 December 2006 at about 12.07a.m. damaged the undersea fiber cable of APCN2 (Asia Pacific Cable Network 2) which links us to international site. Hope that the service provider can solve the problem as soon as possible.

as we can see, the undersea fiber cable near Taiwan damaged

Friday, November 10, 2006

UTAR Communication Networks Assignment

Click here to download

Thank You Mr. Simon Seow.... ^ ^

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Problem with Putra LRT

Yesterday, the Putra (Kelana Jaya Line) LRT which lack of maintenance was down again! Trapping up to 1200 passengers in a few trains. I'm lucky to say that i'm not one of them.
When I reach Asia Jaya LRT Station after hanging up with friends at ss17, i noticed that there are peoples flooding outside the LRT station. The time was about 8.30p.m. and the staff of Asia Jaya LRT station unable to control the situation. So, they closed the gate and did refund to those who bought ticket. After wait for a few while, I decide to call my uncle to fetch me home.
So... This is Malaysia. Government want all things to be hi-tech. but all the things ended up without maintenance and service. This is the reason why always got problem with this and that. The funny thing is each lesson teaching them nothing. Because they will repeat and repeat the same fault again.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Wireless Internet Access in My room =p

Just get my new notebook yesterday... Hyundai M-Life M550N, Intel Centrino Duo.

Just because of too many cabling in my room, so, I and my brother decided to buy a D-Link wireless access point at RM175. The installation of the Access point quite success. Now i can access internet at almost any corner of my room and even downstair. =p

By the way, Tmnet Streamyx come out with new package, Basic 2.0Mbps at RM188 per month... =.="... RM188... damn expensive... If the price is RM110 maybe i'll upgrade to it..

Monday, July 03, 2006

Streamyx Interuption!!!

What the hell..... I pay RM88 personally every month to get this kind of stupid internet service?

The DSL LED of my D-Link modem keep on blinking, same with my ZTE modem blinked for a while, then stop, after that blink back. This mean the modem is able to detect the DSL signal. But the signal is not stable and too weak for the modem to make connection.

Warrghhh!! this make me not able to go online for 2 days already... Still no idea that will they solve this problem today or not.. You all know la... who's working in there.. won't solve the problem for you so fast one.. somemore when you call them to make complain at 1-300-88-9515, those technician will ask you to do the trouble-shooting even I told them I've already did it before call.. for example, by pass the DSL spliter and make direct connection to the phone line, off the modem and unplug all the cables then connect back after 10 to 15 minutes (this is the stupid way. The faster way is just hit the "reset" button of the modem, off it, and on back. No even need 1 minute). This stupid trouble-shooting will force you to make the second call after 15 minutes for the same complain.

One good thing is, tmnet now use voice record to record down all your speech with the technician. Can this improve their service? Wait and see... wargghhh!! i want to get online!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Assignments.... Warrrghhh

So fast time passing.... Within mid-sem already..... haih... =.= There's nothing more in my mind other than assignments, assignments, and assignments..... Too many of them, untill cannot even take a breath. The main problem is, the submittion date are all damn close by each other...

Somemore, there is a test tomorrow, i don't understand what the subject's lecturer talking about from the starting of this sem. +_+" The class boring till sick... She just came in and brief all the way.. no explaination by examples.. How to understand o? The tutorial answer also she read out bulat-bulat from note.. The answers are all same with our seniors one... then why want us to attand tutorial? better stay at home and read senior's note la... =.="

I'm becoming sick facing these kind of "interesting" thing... haih... why Utarian so cham one?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Injury and death don't love me... :D

Camera: Olympus u-Digital600 digital camera

Saturday, 20th of May 2006, about 1.30p.m.

I'm driving my father friend's Proton Iswara and heading to Bukit Tinggi for Buddhist Society thingy.

When we reached Kem Batu Lima Mentakab's corner, a lorry which carrying rocks comes from the opposite road. A small rock piece cast from that lorry and hits on the wind screen and make a loud "pop!"... then I can't see anything bacause the wind screen was cracked. So, i did an emergency brake and stop the car at the road side. luckily, no car in front and behind, if not, surely i'm badly injured or dead at 90km/h's bang. The stupid lorry just drive too fast at the corner and already away from our eyes side after that.

Well, it's good to be alive without any injury. I'll let the pictures explain everything.

Just the wind screen cracked, no injury reported.

Another view of the cracked wind screen