Monday, June 26, 2006

Assignments.... Warrrghhh

So fast time passing.... Within mid-sem already..... haih... =.= There's nothing more in my mind other than assignments, assignments, and assignments..... Too many of them, untill cannot even take a breath. The main problem is, the submittion date are all damn close by each other...

Somemore, there is a test tomorrow, i don't understand what the subject's lecturer talking about from the starting of this sem. +_+" The class boring till sick... She just came in and brief all the way.. no explaination by examples.. How to understand o? The tutorial answer also she read out bulat-bulat from note.. The answers are all same with our seniors one... then why want us to attand tutorial? better stay at home and read senior's note la... =.="

I'm becoming sick facing these kind of "interesting" thing... haih... why Utarian so cham one?


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