Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lousy Cyber cafe

I'm now in SS14 cyber cafe... traveled about 150km from my hometown this morning... I'm here just for wasting time to wait for 1pm. Because Dr. Tan wanna see me to sattle the loan thing.

Cyber cafe here is using windows 98 with 256MB Ram only... so, it's hard to load things and waste time. Somemore it's not multi-language supported... haih... so sad... the computer lagging all the way.... even when i'm typing.. If not mistaken, it's already infected by virus or spyware long time ago. No wonder so little people here.... =.=

Very sien now... Stupid Utar like to call me back.... donno why.... =.=

Thursday, October 06, 2005

3 months holiday

Haha... finally exam over.....

3 months holiday!!! YAY!!!

Now i working at Mercedes Benz Workshop as a car technician..

now i miss Ktar, Utar and PJ friends so much... esspecially her!

haih... so miserable me.... wanna see her also cannot... T.T