Friday, March 10, 2006

Comfortable mouse pad

Camera: Olympus u-Digital600 Digital Camera

Today, i went to SS14 Jaya Supermarket for shopping. Then i saw a Coolcat mouse pad from Hong Kong. It has a water pillow to support your arm when you are using the mouse. Here's how it looks like:

How good if you can relax your hand while using the mouse. So comfortable. hehe...

Thanks for the Birthday Presents

Camera: Olympus u-Digital600 Digital Camera

I can't believe that i'm already 20 year old... haih... in negative thinking, old already.. in positive thinking, i gain one more year coz i still alive... lol...

Again, i want to say thank you to Vivien, Pauline, Mei Chee, Hui Ping, Sio Keng, and Julee for the white T-shirt, thanks Jonathan for the handphone decorater, and thanks Ming Nyit, Huei Ling, and Hooi Chun for the dark purple T-shirt. :)

Friday, March 03, 2006

QQ Penguins

QQ? what's that?

Haha... actually, QQ is an instant messaging software just like MSN Messenger, Skype, ICQ and so on. The different is, it is used in China. The mascot of the QQ messenger are a cute little penguin named QQ and its girl friend.

These are the soft toys of QQ and its girl friend which i bought from online seller. Quite cute right? haha.. I have its flash animation, very funny one. I'll share it at my friendster profile next time.